Opening Designs from So Fontsy in Silhouette Studio

After a design is purchased from So Fontsy it can immediately be downloaded on your computer (or found in you purchase history for future downloads) and then opened in Silhouette Studio. To immediately save the design to your Silhouette Studio library without opening it in a work area first, click “Import to Library” from the FILE menu. To open in a Silhouette Studio work area, it must first be downloaded onto your computer’s hard drive or thumb drive. Launch Silhouette Studio and from the FILE menu click “Open”. Navigate to the file on your computer or hard drive and click "Ok." NOTE:  SVG files can only be opened in Silhouette Studio with Silhouette Studio Designer Edition or higher (DE+ or BE). PNGs can be opened, but will need to be traced in Silhouette Studio to create cut lines.  DXF files will open, but not in full color. The design will open in a new work space. If the file is an SVG, the cut lines will need to be turned on through the Send Panel.  If the design is the PNG file type, the design will need to be traced before it can be cut. The design is now ready to be cut and then saved to your Silhouette Studio library by going to File > Save As > Save to Library. Select the folder or sub folder where you would like the design to save and click "Okay."  

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